BOTO OPEN AIR: Orkestermaskinen
23 lipca, 20:00
Zapraszamy na koncert niezwykłej orkiestry elektro-jazzowej wprost ze Sztokholmu. Zagrają dla Was autorskie utwory oraz własne aranżacje popularnych piosenek muzyki rozrywkowej. Będzie się działo! Nie może Was zabraknąć tego wieczoru w naszym ogródku 

Orkestermaskinen is a Stockholm-based eclectic jazz collective with an extensive track record of performing live club jazz. Our music style is mixed with a little touch of Scandinavian folk, balkan, klezmer, soul, rock and latino rhythm. Always a lot of energy on stage. We have been performing on several stages in Poland and in other European cities as well.
Orkestermaskinen is a Stockholm-based eclectic jazz collective with an extensive track record of performing live club jazz. Our music style is mixed with a little touch of Scandinavian folk, balkan, klezmer, soul, rock and latino rhythm. Always a lot of energy on stage. We have been performing on several stages in Poland and in other European cities as well.
Check out video clips and band member information on our website:
Bilety: 25 zł
Teatr i Baroteka BOTO
Teatr i Baroteka BOTO
ul. Bohaterów Monte Cassino 54B
81-758 Sopot